The only Zhu Zhu Pet Store in the world. Ashlyn was beside herself. If you don't know what a zhu zhu pet is, it's a toy pet hamster that moves around with batteries. There are 32 different ones, I think, and Ashlyn knows all their names. She is determined to get them all. As of right now, I think she has 15. She also has most of all the house accessories. She loves to play with them all over our house. She also draws towns on the driveway and plays with them outside. To top it off, she has the Zhu Zhu pet Nintendo DS game.

Their favorite ride at Broadway at the Beach.

Training to be like Grandpa and Uncle Bryan.

"All Aboard!"


"Choo! Choo!"

Ashlyn got to ride the Caterpillar for the first time. Tommy and I waited for her to be big enough to ride by herself since neither of us could stomach all that spinning. She loved it. Although, she was flying around the seat because she didn't have anyone sitting with her.
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