Monday, January 25, 2010

A Day at the Park with Grandma and Grandpa

Ashlyn swings on her favorite swing.

Playing with Grandma and Grandpa.

Brother and sister.

Where are all the ducks?

I guess geese will do.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Christmas at PaPa and Kathy's House

What's in Ned's Head?

Admiring this year's photo calendar.

Playing new games with PaPa.
What's Gnu?

Hanging with Grandpa.

Trouble...Santa brought some games to be left at
PaPa and Kathy's house for future visits. What a great idea!

Worn out. I think she opened too many presents.

What a pretty girl...I know I'm just a little bias.

Silly faces with my little brother, Brady.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Ashlyn Reading to Her Class

I took this video during Ashlyn's Christmas party at school. She was asked by her teacher to read "Are You My Mother?" to her class. She was the first one to do this this year. All the children asked to read when she was done. I am so proud of her. If you can't view the video, you will need to go to the

Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas Eve

After we went to a wonderful 4:30 Christmas Eve service and dinner at Macaroni Grill, we came home and let the kids open the one present from each other. They were both itching to open presents since there were some under the tree.

A Visit with Santa and the Bears

I know it has been a long time coming...but better late then never. I have finally made the time to sit and try to catch up with blogging. I have lots of pictures to show you all. Starting with our trip to see Santa at the toy store. We also mailed letters to Santa. Ashlyn told Santa that she wanted Zhu Zhu pets for Christmas. He said the machine was broken so she may not get her wish. Since I'm writing this after Christmas I will let you know, she got her wish. Brady asked for the same...whatever Sissy wants, Brady wants. He also asked for cars, trucks, and trains. Santa impressed us with his knowledge of every Thomas character out there...but I guess, he is Santa.

We surprised the kids by taking them to see the Bears perform at Founders Hall again this year. We all thought that last year was the last time for them. We also forgot that there was a marothon uptown...the traffic was horrible. Ashlyn was happy to see the Bears, but not as happy as I thought that she would be...all she could think about was the candy store upstairs. And Brady really just wanted to play on the escalator. It was fun for a little while.