Friday, January 30, 2009

American Idol

Typical day at the Sullivan's...except it looks like Ashlyn and Brady recruited their friends, Addy and Evelyn, from the neighborhood.

Weekend with Grandma and Grandpa

We sure did have fun this past weekend with Grandma and Grandpa. The first night they got to see Ashlyn do gymnastics at her gym. She is still working hard on the cartwheel. I think I am going to have to buy her a cartwheel mat to help her practice. She is so determined, I know that she will get it. Her forward and backward rolls are most improved...she couldn't even do either one when she started in August. The most important thing is that she really enjoys it.

On Friday after Brady's nap it was actually warm enough to go to the park...which is weird because we just had that snow storm 3 days ago. That's Charlotte for you. We had a blast walking through the trails at Squirrel Lake. Ashlyn loves to explore...she is the best guide. Everything was perfect until Brady stepped in mud and then he didn't want to walk any more...Eeeeeewwwww (that's what he said). Notice the picture above when he is riding shoulders with shoes or socks. I guess I should have made him wear sneakers instead of his "Pooh ride" crocs...lesson learned. When it was time to play on the "slide mmm mmm" he put them right back on. He'll do anything to ride down a slide. And believe me the two of them must have gone down it at least 30 times in a row...running up the steps, around the play set, then down the curly slide. Brady tried so hard to catch up to sissy but she lapped him at least 3 times, if not 4. I wish I had half the energy they have. I had a hard time getting them to stop for pictures.

Grandma and Grandpa also had the chance to make silly music videos with Ashlyn and Brady at Sports Connection on Saturday afternoon. They really have fun dancing to them in the bonus room everyday, especially Brady...he asks to watch them all the time.

Sunday we didn't do too much. We hung around the house and played outside a little bit. Ashlyn did ride her new bike some...I wish she would ride it even more. We got to get those training wheels off someday. We had dinner at home and as you can see from the above photo, Brady and Ashlyn helped with the green beans...I wish they would have tried them though. Ashlyn only eats frozen green beans and Brady only eats black beans...someday I'll get him to eat veggies.

Can't wait for another visit...hopefully we will get to visit them in Florida in the Fall. But we hope to see them here before that.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Snow Day, Glorious Snow Day

Ashlyn did a snow dance with her friend Kayley, we prayed together, and we wished and wished it would come. I can't believe it snowed. We got just enough to play with the neighbors, use the sled, and make snow angels. It was only about 2 inches and was pretty much gone the next day or two, but we had a blast. It would be nice if we got at least one snow fall a winter. Although it is exhausting getting all dressed to go out in it...especially when it is 22 degrees but feels like 14. It would also be great if Brady had a pair of boots...he had to wear his sneakers...his poor feet. Oh, by the way...Ashlyn's new name is now 'Snow Bunny'. She loved it and never complained once about being cold, even after she made 7 snow angels and slid down the slide covered with snow.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009

A little girl's dream comes true

What kid doesn't dream about getting bunk beds?
When Ashlyn transferred to a big girl bed she loved her new furniture. Well that was until she went to play at her friend's house and discovered a bunk bed. Tommy and I told her that when Brady gets a big boy bed that we would get him a bunk bed and she could sleep on the top bunk. I'm not sure if she understands that it doesn't mean forever. Now she can't wait to go to sleep...she even asks to take a nap when Brady does. Not that I let her, Brady would never go to sleep. Well I guess we should put her bed up for sale...just kidding. I'm sure the novelty will wear off someday. Until then, I think this will bring brother and 'sissy' closer.
The first night, Brady was a little scared going to sleep in a big boy bed. Tommy and I could hear them over the monitor...Ashlyn, in her cute little voice, tried to explain to Brady that bad dreams are just make believe and not to be scared because she was here to protect him. I think that she is starting to understand what it is to be a big sister...

Below Freezing

Great-Grandma Elsie, Ashlyn is finally able to enjoy the hat and scarf that you knitted. She loves them, especially the scarf. We don't get many cold days...and believe me, I'm not we don't use hats and scarves that often. I'm glad the hat still fits. I also can't believe Brady will actually put on the hat and mittens I bought him for Christmas. He asks to wear them now. I just hope that this cold spell doesn't last long...Grandma and Grandpa won't be able to handle it next weekend if it doesn't warm up some.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A few Christmas photos to share...

Visiting Santa at Ashlyn's preschool...
Santa's helpers picking out a tree and wreath...

Our Princess decorating the tree...

Friday, January 9, 2009

It's been a while...a long while.

So I'm back...hopefully for good. Ali, thanks for the pep talk last night. So much has happened since the last time I wrote that I don't even know where to start.
Christmas has past and we are now in the new year. Brady is talking like crazy. He usually cuts his words in you really have to work at listening. But if you are around him enough you start to understand more and more. He can finally say his own name but Ashlyn I think will always be 'Sissy'. I can't count how many times I hear 'No Sissy' each day. He follows her around the house but can't keep up so he gets mad when she speeds ahead of him. "No Sissy, No!" Oh but how mad Ashlyn gets when he does get to the sink first to wash his hands before dinner. Pushing and shoving...pushing and shoving. Brings back memories of me and my brother. Don't get me wrong...they do get along...sometimes. It is a wonderful sight when they play together. If only they didn't always want to play with the same toys. They are both into cars right now. Especially the ones from the movie "Cars". In fact just the other day Ashlyn borrowed these other 'cars' from her friend Jackson and she carried them around everywhere. Brady too, of course. They were they exact same cars as the ones they already have, but bigger. Her friend asked for them back the next day...oh did she throw a fit. She wanted me to go out and buy them for her that very second. Sorry Ashlyn, life doesn't work that way. But she will get them this weekend...she has a gift card to use at Walmart...perfect timing Ava (her friend in Oswego).
Well I did it!!! I got something down. I am going to keep trying. My goal is to write every Friday. Hopefully it will get easier in time.