Rain rain go away...sun comes out...outside to play!
So this is Ashlyn's 3rd private lesson this spring. She took 8 lessons last spring, and by the 2nd lesson, she was pretty much swimming on her own. Best money we ever spent. She did have some trouble swimming parallel to the water and would just tread water in a forward motion...it exhausted her. But now she is swimming parallel and is doing fantastic. She can also hold her breath under water longer than me...that doesn't say much though...I was never a really good swimmer. I knew enough so I wouldn't drown in a pool or the ocean. Take a look at our little fish...
Brady has adored Lennox since day 1. Not like Ashlyn, she could really care less about him...usually he is just in her way or he passes gas and Ashlyn says, "EEEEWWWW Lennox, you stink!" then she proceeds to another room. Now Brady loves to roll around with him, hug him, kiss him, and play with him and his toys. This is a little taste of how Brady is around his best friend Lennox.