Monday, March 30, 2009

Here Comes the Sun...

Rain rain go away...sun comes out...outside to play!

Friday, March 27, 2009

25 Random Things About Brady

  1. He was born 9 days early and weighed more than Ashlyn who was born 6 days late.

  2. He loved to be held in our arms and bounced on an exercise ball to be soothed to couldn't just bounce up and down, it had to be on the ball.

  3. He didn't start to crawl until about 11 months and walk until about 13 1/2 months.

  4. It took him a while to talk...I guess he thought, "why do I have to speak when sissy will do it for me." I think he was a little over 2.

  5. He didn't like ice cream when he was a he loves it.

  6. He can throw a ball super far and super accurate.

  7. He loves to play baakitbaa (basketball)...and he rarely misses the basket. Look out Michael Jordan.

  8. Now he imitates what we say and what Sissy can't keep him quiet (see #4).

  9. Like Ashlyn, he is also great a himself, "Brady Do It!"

  10. He was interested in the potty right at 2 years old and trained himself way before he turned 2 1/2.

  11. We moved him to a big boy bed earlier than Ashlyn (2 years 3 months) just because we wanted to get rid of his baby furniture and get him a bunk bed...believe it or not, not a mistake...the transition was a piece of cake.

  12. When we went to Disney World on his birthday, his favorite ride was the Winnie the Pooh ride...ever since then anything that has a character from Winnie the Pooh is called "Pooh ride"...even his crocs that have Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore on them.

  13. He has always been a picky eater...we can barely get him to eat a black beans count?

  14. His favorite holiday, if you call it that, is Halloween. He likes to ring the door bell, even now, and say "trick-treat" with hope that he will get some candy.

  15. He calls M&M's and Skittles Ning-a Ning's...don't ask us why.

  16. Just like Ashlyn he has a little blankie and he too calls it Kiki.

  17. He still sleeps with a taci (pacifier)...someday we will rid him of least we can take it away, unlike a thumb.

  18. He loves being outside...we think that he would live out there if he could.

  19. He loves to dance...and man is he a great dancer. He has some serious dance moves with tons of rhythm.

  20. He thinks that Sissy hangs the moon.

  21. His favorite TV show is Bah Bah (Crashbox on HBO)...good thing it is a very educational show. He likes to watch it right before bedtime.

  22. He loves to fall asleep to the music on his Baby Einstein Turtle just recently broke so Daddy bought him a new one, but a different one. He played with it all night the first night...I'm glad the novelty wore off.

  23. He is a "jumping bean"...loves to jump, especially at Monkey Joe's.

  24. He loves our dog Lennox...calls him Lenny.

  25. He loves slide-umm-umm's (slides)...even big water slides that he can ride down Mommy or Daddy.

Ashlyn's Swim Lesson

So this is Ashlyn's 3rd private lesson this spring. She took 8 lessons last spring, and by the 2nd lesson, she was pretty much swimming on her own. Best money we ever spent. She did have some trouble swimming parallel to the water and would just tread water in a forward exhausted her. But now she is swimming parallel and is doing fantastic. She can also hold her breath under water longer than me...that doesn't say much though...I was never a really good swimmer. I knew enough so I wouldn't drown in a pool or the ocean. Take a look at our little fish...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Ashlyn's First Soccer Game

Here are some pictures of our future soccer star, along with her brother cheering her on. Her favorite position was goalie...not her Mom's favorite that's for sure. She did awesome in there. One of the Dad's came over to her after the game and wanted to recruit her over to his team because she played so well. She shut the other team out...and that was hard to do being that the score was probably 10 to nothing in favor of the other team. Oh well winning isn't everything, just as long as she had fun...and she did.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

How ya doin'

Brady has adored Lennox since day 1. Not like Ashlyn, she could really care less about him...usually he is just in her way or he passes gas and Ashlyn says, "EEEEWWWW Lennox, you stink!" then she proceeds to another room. Now Brady loves to roll around with him, hug him, kiss him, and play with him and his toys. This is a little taste of how Brady is around his best friend Lennox.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

First Snowman

As you can see, it snowed yet again. I thought I lived in North Carolina, not New York! Well at least we finally got to make our snowman...or I got to make it. Brady just stood in that same spot the whole time. Last time he didn't have boots and had to wear sneakers...obviously his feet froze and he wanted to go inside. So this time he wore Sissy's old boots (who cares that they are pink), he was afraid to walk. He kept saying "carry me". As soon as we were done with the snowman we had to go in...and have hot chocolate. Hopefully this is the last of the snow because it is suppose to be in the 70's this weekend.