So I'm back...hopefully for good. Ali, thanks for the pep talk last night. So much has happened since the last time I wrote that I don't even know where to start.
Christmas has past and we are now in the new year. Brady is talking like crazy. He usually cuts his words in you really have to work at listening. But if you are around him enough you start to understand more and more. He can finally say his own name but Ashlyn I think will always be 'Sissy'. I can't count how many times I hear 'No Sissy' each day. He follows her around the house but can't keep up so he gets mad when she speeds ahead of him. "No Sissy, No!" Oh but how mad Ashlyn gets when he does get to the sink first to wash his hands before dinner. Pushing and shoving...pushing and shoving. Brings back memories of me and my brother. Don't get me wrong...they do get along...sometimes. It is a wonderful sight when they play together. If only they didn't always want to play with the same toys. They are both into cars right now. Especially the ones from the movie "Cars". In fact just the other day Ashlyn borrowed these other 'cars' from her friend Jackson and she carried them around everywhere. Brady too, of course. They were they exact same cars as the ones they already have, but bigger. Her friend asked for them back the next day...oh did she throw a fit. She wanted me to go out and buy them for her that very second. Sorry Ashlyn, life doesn't work that way. But she will get them this weekend...she has a gift card to use at Walmart...perfect timing Ava (her friend in Oswego).
Well I did it!!! I got something down. I am going to keep trying. My goal is to write every Friday. Hopefully it will get easier in time.